Let's Change the World: Zero Waste : Volume 1-9781760509460

Let's Change the World: Zero Waste : Volume 1

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By: Anderson, Megan
Format: Board book
Published By: Hardie Grant Children's Publishing
Date of Publication: 01/09/2021
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781760509460
Classification: Picture books
Dimensions in mm: 227 x 228 x 13
Description: Zero Waste highlights the positive side of making more ethical choices when it comes to waste. From composting and recycling to buying nude food and growing veggies, a zero-waste lifestyle can be a whole lot of fun!Let's Change the World is a series of board books targeted at babies, toddlers and grown-ups that encourages creative play while exploring pressing global issues in a positive, uplifting way. Why don't we have a picnic? Come on, let's all sit down!Scraps go in the compost heap - the bugs will break them down. From ages 3 and up.