By: Mayor, Thomas
Format: Hardback
Published By: Explore Australia
Date of Publication: 01/06/2020
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781741177176
Classification: Personal & social issues: racism & multiculturalism (Children's / Teenage)
Dimensions in mm: 261 x 303 x 13
Description: Author Thomas Mayor's journey taking the message of the Uluru Statement to the people of Australia has been a moving experience. When he visited schools, in particular, the children surprised him. Their generation is the first to learn Indigenous languages, to appreciate Indigenous knowledge of the seasons, and learn the the truth of our history. Some children he met even knew more about the Australian Constitution than most adults do! The expression, 'if only we could see the world through a child's eyes' is put into practice through the pages of this picture book for 5- to 10-year-olds. It is an important part of the people's movement for Voice, Treaty and Truth, helping children - and by extension, their families - to think about why substantive constitutional change is needed. Featuring colourful illustrations, this book demonstrates that the heart of the nation can be found through an appreciation of First Nations' culture. Only then will a collective definition of Australian national identity become possible.
Format: Hardback
Published By: Explore Australia
Date of Publication: 01/06/2020
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781741177176
Classification: Personal & social issues: racism & multiculturalism (Children's / Teenage)
Dimensions in mm: 261 x 303 x 13
Description: Author Thomas Mayor's journey taking the message of the Uluru Statement to the people of Australia has been a moving experience. When he visited schools, in particular, the children surprised him. Their generation is the first to learn Indigenous languages, to appreciate Indigenous knowledge of the seasons, and learn the the truth of our history. Some children he met even knew more about the Australian Constitution than most adults do! The expression, 'if only we could see the world through a child's eyes' is put into practice through the pages of this picture book for 5- to 10-year-olds. It is an important part of the people's movement for Voice, Treaty and Truth, helping children - and by extension, their families - to think about why substantive constitutional change is needed. Featuring colourful illustrations, this book demonstrates that the heart of the nation can be found through an appreciation of First Nations' culture. Only then will a collective definition of Australian national identity become possible.