By: Valenti, Karla
Format: Hardback
Published By: Sourcebooks, Inc
Date of Publication: 02/04/2021
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781728220437
Classification: People & places (Children's / Teenage)
Dimensions in mm: 287 x 223 x 12
Description: Meet Alan Turing. Famous mathematician, cryptographer, and...superhero!This next book in the My Super Science Heroes series shares the amazing story of Alan Turing and how he used his astonishing superpower of curiosity to overcome obstacles and solve problems. This series is scientifically vetted and promoted by the Marie Curie Alumni Association, which promotes the worldwide advancement of knowledge. One sunny day in June 1912, a new super science hero was born. He hadn't figured out he was a super science hero; though everyone else around him was pretty sure about this early on. His name was Alan Turing. As Alan grows and gains more and more knowledge, Super Evil Nemesis decides to call on his minion Ms. Enigma to confound and confuse Alan. But Alan likes puzzles and isn't easy to defeat... Follow along as Alan uses his super curiosity to discover patterns, crack codes, and save the world! Includes a glossary, timeline, activities, and bonus facts about ciphers and codes.
Format: Hardback
Published By: Sourcebooks, Inc
Date of Publication: 02/04/2021
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781728220437
Classification: People & places (Children's / Teenage)
Dimensions in mm: 287 x 223 x 12
Description: Meet Alan Turing. Famous mathematician, cryptographer, and...superhero!This next book in the My Super Science Heroes series shares the amazing story of Alan Turing and how he used his astonishing superpower of curiosity to overcome obstacles and solve problems. This series is scientifically vetted and promoted by the Marie Curie Alumni Association, which promotes the worldwide advancement of knowledge. One sunny day in June 1912, a new super science hero was born. He hadn't figured out he was a super science hero; though everyone else around him was pretty sure about this early on. His name was Alan Turing. As Alan grows and gains more and more knowledge, Super Evil Nemesis decides to call on his minion Ms. Enigma to confound and confuse Alan. But Alan likes puzzles and isn't easy to defeat... Follow along as Alan uses his super curiosity to discover patterns, crack codes, and save the world! Includes a glossary, timeline, activities, and bonus facts about ciphers and codes.