By: Gimenez de Ory, Beatriz
Format: Board book
Published By: Barefoot Books, Incorporated
Date of Publication: 21/01/2021
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781646860913
Classification: Early learning / early learning concepts
Dimensions in mm: 165 x 165 x 32
Description: Introduce budding scientists to a fun STEM topic -- poop! This interactive board book features riddles about the different poops of the animal kingdom, and images that transform as you turn the page to reveal the answer. Includes fact-packed educational notes about poop and what we can learn from it.
Format: Board book
Published By: Barefoot Books, Incorporated
Date of Publication: 21/01/2021
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781646860913
Classification: Early learning / early learning concepts
Dimensions in mm: 165 x 165 x 32
Description: Introduce budding scientists to a fun STEM topic -- poop! This interactive board book features riddles about the different poops of the animal kingdom, and images that transform as you turn the page to reveal the answer. Includes fact-packed educational notes about poop and what we can learn from it.