By: Sriram, Meera
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Barefoot Books, Incorporated
Date of Publication: 21/08/20
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781646860623
Dimensions in mm: 216 x 271 x 10
Description: In this #OwnVoices book inspired by the author's hometown of Chennai, India, a girl explores the vibrant rainbow of delights in a southern Indian street market as she searches for a gift for her amma (mother). Endnotes explain all the items on sale and introduce readers to markets around the world.
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Barefoot Books, Incorporated
Date of Publication: 21/08/20
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781646860623
Dimensions in mm: 216 x 271 x 10
Description: In this #OwnVoices book inspired by the author's hometown of Chennai, India, a girl explores the vibrant rainbow of delights in a southern Indian street market as she searches for a gift for her amma (mother). Endnotes explain all the items on sale and introduce readers to markets around the world.