By: Newman, Catherine
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Workman Publishing
Date of Publication: 26/05/20
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781635861822
Dimensions in mm: 166 x 227 x 16
Description: For the kid who leaves a wet towel wadded up on the floor or forgets to put a new roll on the toilet-paper thingy, witty parenting writer and etiquette columnist Catherine Newman has created the ultimate guidebook of essential life skills for kids. Jam-packed with tips, tricks, and advice - all illustrated in an irresistible graphic novel-style - How to Be a Person shows kids just how easy it is to free themselves from parental nagging and become more dependable - and they'll like themselves better, too! They'll learn how to do chores like loading the dishwasher and making a bed, brush up on communication skills like making a phone call and apologizing, and master 61 other super-helpful skills including how to stick up for somebody, fold a T-shirt, and turn a 33-cent package of ramen into dinner. Improve work-life balance for the whole family with this kids' guide to growing up.
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Workman Publishing
Date of Publication: 26/05/20
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781635861822
Dimensions in mm: 166 x 227 x 16
Description: For the kid who leaves a wet towel wadded up on the floor or forgets to put a new roll on the toilet-paper thingy, witty parenting writer and etiquette columnist Catherine Newman has created the ultimate guidebook of essential life skills for kids. Jam-packed with tips, tricks, and advice - all illustrated in an irresistible graphic novel-style - How to Be a Person shows kids just how easy it is to free themselves from parental nagging and become more dependable - and they'll like themselves better, too! They'll learn how to do chores like loading the dishwasher and making a bed, brush up on communication skills like making a phone call and apologizing, and master 61 other super-helpful skills including how to stick up for somebody, fold a T-shirt, and turn a 33-cent package of ramen into dinner. Improve work-life balance for the whole family with this kids' guide to growing up.