Sir Tim Has a Secret-9781605375366

Sir Tim Has a Secret

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By: Koppens, Judith
Format: Hardback
Published By: Clavis Publishing
Date of Publication: 23/07/20
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781605375366
Dimensions in mm: 259 x 267 x 11
Description: "Sir Tim the Knight has a hard time feeling brave and being honest when he makes mistakes. After a few fibs and more-than-a-few bites of his mom's delicious strawberry shortcake, his tummy starts to feel not so good. He finds relief in telling the truth. A sweet story for younger kiddos about the importance of telling the truth. The message is clear and direct. Kids and parents alike will enjoy the illustrations and the story." - Douglas County LibrariesReal knights are always honest. But when Sir Tim accidentally rips his cape, he tries to blame his friend Max. And when Mom leaves a strawberry shortcake on the table, he sneaks a bite. Keeping all these secrets begins to give Sir Tim a bellyache . . . A sweet and recognizable book about keeping secrets. For honest knights ages 4 and up. The third book in the Sir Tim series! Tim is anordinary boy, and like all ordinary boys, noteverything always goes his way. Tim really wants to do well, but sometimes that's notpossible. His innocence and unbridled energy sometimes get him in trouble. Except whenTim becomes Sir Tim, because knights can doanything. With his knight helmet on his headand his knight cape around his shoulders, suddenly Tim feels much more successful. Sir Timdoesn't worry about accidentally spilling hismilk on the table anymore. And Sir Tim makesthe most magnificent drawings. As Sir Tim, Timfeels like he can do anything. Knights run, climb, fly, and sometimes theyfall, but they always get up and try again. Andthat's what Sir Tim does - especially when hehas his dog Dragon by his side. Guided Reading Level J