By: Allen-Shore, Dr Lena
Format: Board book
Published By: Simon & Schuster
Date of Publication: 10/06/21
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781534481350
Dimensions in mm: 178 x 177 x 12
Description: Soothe little ones to sleep with this beautiful board book featuring a sweetly illustrated and tender lullaby first composed by Holocaust survivor, Dr. Lena Allen-Shore for her son, Jacques, and then adapted further by them for this children's book. Sleep, my baby, my lovely baby I wish you good night. The stars are smiling they say to you be happy all your life. Author, teacher, and poet, Dr. Lena Allen-Shore made her mark on the world in innumerable ways, but she made the most endearing and enduring mark on her sons by singing "Sleep, My Baby" to them as they drifted off to bed each night. This extended version of the original, written by both Dr. Shore and her son Jacques, celebrates mothers all over the world and shares the universal messaging of hope, peace, and love as children are gently lulled to sleep knowing they are safe, sound, and protected from harm.
Format: Board book
Published By: Simon & Schuster
Date of Publication: 10/06/21
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781534481350
Dimensions in mm: 178 x 177 x 12
Description: Soothe little ones to sleep with this beautiful board book featuring a sweetly illustrated and tender lullaby first composed by Holocaust survivor, Dr. Lena Allen-Shore for her son, Jacques, and then adapted further by them for this children's book. Sleep, my baby, my lovely baby I wish you good night. The stars are smiling they say to you be happy all your life. Author, teacher, and poet, Dr. Lena Allen-Shore made her mark on the world in innumerable ways, but she made the most endearing and enduring mark on her sons by singing "Sleep, My Baby" to them as they drifted off to bed each night. This extended version of the original, written by both Dr. Shore and her son Jacques, celebrates mothers all over the world and shares the universal messaging of hope, peace, and love as children are gently lulled to sleep knowing they are safe, sound, and protected from harm.