Treasure Hunters: The Plunder Down Under : (Treasure Hunters 7)-9781529119503

Treasure Hunters: The Plunder Down Under : (Treasure Hunters 7)

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By: Patterson, James
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Cornerstone
Date of Publication: 23/07/20
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781529119503
Dimensions in mm: 131 x 184 x 29
Description: Cross a vast desert full of deadly creatures, find long-lost treasure, and save their parents? All in a day's work for the Kidds!The Kidd family is on the hunt for Lasseter?_Ts Gold, one of the legendary lost treasures of Australia. But when their ship is waylaid by pirate Charlotte Badger, the Kidds?_T parents are framed for stealing a set of priceless gems!Bick, Beck, Storm and Tommy have seven days to navigate the dangerous Australian Outback, find Charlotte Badger, and steal back the evidence they need to prove their parents are innocent. If they fail, Mom and Dad will be thrown in prison . . . forever!