Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Pearson Education Limited
Date of Publication: 13/11/01
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780433072256
Dimensions in mm: 140 x 164 x 6
Description: "Rigby Star" is a guided reading programme developed specifically to meet the requirements of the NLS. It offers stories and teaching support to help plan and manage guided reading lessons - all within a structured reading programme. Teaching versions offer support for every title, with prompts for discussing the story summary; preparing pupils for the "walkthrough", in which the pupils think about such clues to the book as the blurb, the cover image and title. The readers are part of a carefully levelled structure to help ensure that every child has the right book, at the right time. Every book has links to independent/group reading and writing activities. The scheme also offers support for follow-up and assessment, such as suggestions for further activities and assessment. There is a writing activity linked to every book.
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Pearson Education Limited
Date of Publication: 13/11/01
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780433072256
Dimensions in mm: 140 x 164 x 6
Description: "Rigby Star" is a guided reading programme developed specifically to meet the requirements of the NLS. It offers stories and teaching support to help plan and manage guided reading lessons - all within a structured reading programme. Teaching versions offer support for every title, with prompts for discussing the story summary; preparing pupils for the "walkthrough", in which the pupils think about such clues to the book as the blurb, the cover image and title. The readers are part of a carefully levelled structure to help ensure that every child has the right book, at the right time. Every book has links to independent/group reading and writing activities. The scheme also offers support for follow-up and assessment, such as suggestions for further activities and assessment. There is a writing activity linked to every book.