Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Pearson Education Limited
Date of Publication: 10/06/2003
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780433029410
Classification: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes
Dimensions in mm: 60 x 76 x 1
Description: Rigby Rocket is designed to offer links from guided to independent reading. It is linked to guided reading objectives, allowing children to practise valuable skills following a guided reading session. The titles are levelled to "Book Bands for Guided Reading", and provide stories that children are able to read independently. Each title contains reading notes written specifically for parents/Learning Support Assistants. These focus on key reading skills and encourage discussion to improve children's comprehension. The "Pink Level" titles are aimed at children in Reception.
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Pearson Education Limited
Date of Publication: 10/06/2003
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780433029410
Classification: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes
Dimensions in mm: 60 x 76 x 1
Description: Rigby Rocket is designed to offer links from guided to independent reading. It is linked to guided reading objectives, allowing children to practise valuable skills following a guided reading session. The titles are levelled to "Book Bands for Guided Reading", and provide stories that children are able to read independently. Each title contains reading notes written specifically for parents/Learning Support Assistants. These focus on key reading skills and encourage discussion to improve children's comprehension. The "Pink Level" titles are aimed at children in Reception.