Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Pearson Education Limited
Date of Publication: 15/04/2000
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780433027645
Classification: Educational: English language & literacy
Dimensions in mm: 140 x 165 x 21
Description: Genre: Fantasy story with familiar characters and setting, and predictable structure. Learning Objectives: Word Recognition Strand 5: Recognize and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught, for example, that the grapheme 's' is pronounced differently in 'said' and 'his'. Language Comprehension Strand 7: Identify the main events and characters in stories.
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Pearson Education Limited
Date of Publication: 15/04/2000
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780433027645
Classification: Educational: English language & literacy
Dimensions in mm: 140 x 165 x 21
Description: Genre: Fantasy story with familiar characters and setting, and predictable structure. Learning Objectives: Word Recognition Strand 5: Recognize and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught, for example, that the grapheme 's' is pronounced differently in 'said' and 'his'. Language Comprehension Strand 7: Identify the main events and characters in stories.