By: DK
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
Date of Publication: 06/07/23
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780241602652
Dimensions in mm: 150 x 229 x 7
Description: Use your reading superpowers to learn all about bees and why we must protect them - a high-quality, fun, non-fiction reader - carefully levelled to help children progress. Amazing Bees is a beautifully designed reader all about these special insects - their lifecycle, homes and the important jobs they do for us. The engaging text has been carefully levelled using Lexiles so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential non-fiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about life in a buzzing bee hive!
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
Date of Publication: 06/07/23
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780241602652
Dimensions in mm: 150 x 229 x 7
Description: Use your reading superpowers to learn all about bees and why we must protect them - a high-quality, fun, non-fiction reader - carefully levelled to help children progress. Amazing Bees is a beautifully designed reader all about these special insects - their lifecycle, homes and the important jobs they do for us. The engaging text has been carefully levelled using Lexiles so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential non-fiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about life in a buzzing bee hive!