Double Trouble!-9780008610135

Double Trouble!

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By: Smith, Jim
Format: Paperback / softback
Published By: HarperCollins Publishers
Date of Publication: 06/07/23
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780008610135
Dimensions in mm: 140 x 211 x 14
Description: Brand new adventures for Barry Loser in this new series of full colour graphic novels ?_" perfect for fans of DogMan, Bunny vs Monkey and Kitty Quest ?_~RIDONKULOUSLY FUNNY, EVERY KID SHOULD GET THEIR HOOTER INTO THIS TOTAL WINNER OF A GRAPHIC NOVEL?_T?_" Jenny Pearson, bestselling author of The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates Celebrating Barry Loser?_Ts 10th birthday with a new series of graphic novel adventures! The bestselling, award-winning Barry Loser series is ten years old and Barry, Bunky, Nancy and the gang are off on a series of new adventures ?_" in full colour graphic novel format and with ?_~how to draw?_T sections to help you make your own comic books! Three amazekeel stories, including one where Barry?_Ts dad turns into a vending machine, and all Barry has to do is ?_~press his buttons?_T to get exactly what he wants, and another where hearing the most boring story in the world has a disastrous effect of Barry?_Ts mind and body?_? Jim Smith?_Ts books have sold 840k copies in the English language, and sold in 17 territories. He won the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, the Scholastic Lollies award, was shortlisted for the Waterstones prize, and had a World Book Day book. Have you got all of Jim Smith?_Ts amazekeel books? Barry Loser: I am not a loser Barry Loser: I am still not a loser Barry Loser: I am so over being a loser Barry Loser: I am sort of a loser Barry Loser and the holiday of doom Barry Loser and the case of the crumpled carton Barry Loser hates half term Barry Loser and the birthday billions Barry Loser: worst school trip ever! Barry Loser is the best at football NOT Barry Loser and the trouble with pets My dad is a loser free ebook My mum is a loser free ebook Future Ratboy and the attack of the killer robot grannies Future Ratboy and the invasion of the nom-noms Future Ratboy and the quest for the missing thingy The Super Weird Mysteries Danger at Donut Diner Attack of the Haunted Lunchbox My Pencil Case is a Time Machine